C1 Women Academy

Our Scotland-based project!
The C1 Women (C1W) Academy was started in 2021 with the aim of increasing the number of women and girls in Scotland paddling the C1 discipline. Following a decade of campaigining by pioneering women paddling C1 and members of the slalom community, the C1 category for women made its Olympic debut in the Tokyo 2021 Olympic Games (only 49 years after the men...). C1W's inclusion in the Olympic programme marked a momentous occasion as it made canoe slalom gender equal. Across the World, the C1W class is massively underrepresented and so we decided to do something about it!

What is the Academy?
The C1W Academy runs weekly C1 sessions for girls in Edinburgh (Meggetland, Wednesday 6-7pm) and monthly Academy Days across Scotland. The Academy Days bring girls together from across Scotland for a day of paddling, teambuilding, games (ultimate frisbee is a favourite) and workshops/talks from top athletes. These days are centred around all that we value at Slalom Inspires; having fun, creating friendships, building confidence and enjoying improving at C1.
Throughout the year we support races (for those that want to race) and aim to create opportunities for girls to thrive. Eilidh (our founder) grew up as one of only two girls in Scotland paddling C1. To see the amazing community that we have created of girls paddling C1 is something we're incredibly proud of! We cater for all abilities, from complete beginners to girls pushing to make the GB team so if you want to get involved, please get on touch via the Contact page!
65+ girls reached
300% increase in the number of girls competing
20+ Academy Days delivered